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Varnish Prevention and Removal

FSTO Turbine Lube Oil Varnish Removal

Ideal for Maintenance of Small Turbine Lube Oil & Compressor Reservoirs

  • Prevent varnish related servo valve failures on small gas turbines and compressor lube oil applications (ie gas transmission compressor units).
  • Remove & prevent varnish deposits with ICB element technology (Ion Charge Bonding).
  • Achieve & maintain MPC value < 20 (lower varnish potential).
  • Lower ISO codes to 14/12/9 with high efficiency post filter element.
  • Extend life of anti-oxidant additives & prevent premature oil replacement.

Non Spark Discharge Filter Element Upgrades

Filter element spark discharge is a recognized cause of fluid degradation in hydraulic and lube oil systems creating soluble by-products and sub-micron carbon particles that deplete additives, cause fluid darkening and lead to varnish deposits.  Hy-Pro NSD (Non Spark Discharge) elements are the solution.

Filter element spark discharge is a recognized cause of fluid degradation in hydraulic and lube oil systems creating soluble by-products and sub-micron carbon particles that deplete additives, cause fluid darkening and lead to varnish deposits.  Oil formulation changes from Group I base stocks to Group II-III base stock oils has yielded fluids with reduced conductivity characteristics which enhance the effects of element sparking especially during cold start conditions.  Hy-Pro NSD Non Spark Discharge) elements prevent one of the primary causes of thermal fluid degradation and is an important part of varnish deposit formation and phosphate ester fluid maintenance.

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SVR™ Soluble Varnish Removal Skid

When combustion and steam turbines fall victim to unit trip or fail-to-start condition varnish is the usual suspect.  The SVR (Soluble Varnish Removal) is the proven solution to make varnish vanish!

When combustion and steam turbines fall victim to unit trip or fail-to-start condition varnish is the usual suspect.   SVR Soluble Varnish Removal skids prevent and remove varnish deposit formation in lube oil by removing oxidation by-products as they are formed and while they still in solution (dissolved).  By removing the soluble varnish feed stock SVR is addressing the primary cause of varnish before varnish deposits can form.  Stop varnish before it stops you!

SVR restores the solubility of the oil by removing the soluble varnish causing contamination that other technologies can’t.  By restoring solubility  SVR enables the oil to chemically remove previously formed varnish deposits and reduce MPC varnish potential numbers from condition critical red to condition normal green.  Ask us how the  SVR1200 can reduce and maintain a 6000 gallon GE Frame 7 lube reservoir MPC value to single digits in approximately 45 days.

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OA-TO Turbine Oil Analysis

Two levels of analysis; MPC only for trending varnish potential monthly & a deeper analysis for periodic monitoring.

  • MPC (membrane patch Colourimetry)
  • MPC patch weight (mg)
  • RULER (remaining anti-oxidant level)
  • ICP spectrometric element analysis ppm
  • Water Content by KF (ppm)
  • ISO4406:1999 particle count (4/6/14)
  • AN (acid number)

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VTK Varnish Potential Test Kits

VTK varnish potential test kits yield Membrane Patch Colorimetric for lube oil varnish potential (MPC ΔE) per ASTM D7843-12.

VTK varnish potential test kits yield Membrane Patch Colorimetric for lube oil varnish potential (MPC ΔE) per ASTM D7843-12.  Use the VTK to identify hydraulic and lube oil reservoirs with a high potential for varnish formation and trend the effectiveness of varnish mitigation efforts on each turbine.

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