ICB The World Best Acid Scavenging & Varnish Removal Filter

EPT ICB™ Ion-Exchange Acid Scavenging Filterafter-cleaning-with-icb-elementoil-cleaning-with-icb-acid-filter-psr-the-expert-in-industrial-filtrationAfter cleaning-up with ICB in SVR_Soluble Varnish Removal Systemsvr-1200-ept-clean-oil-hy-pro-psr-power-generationfsw-wall-mounted-filtration-system-with-icbsvr-1200-ept-clean-oilvarnish-mitigation-holistic-approach-psr

Existing acid filters do not remove the contamination responsible for bearing failures or servo valve sticking. This contamination accumulates over time and is deposited on mechanical surfaces because of temperature and pressure changes.

ICB ion-exchange filter is an acid scavenging filter featuring EPT media technology that is critical to maintaining low acid number, avoiding servo valve failure, and years of trouble-free operation for EHC and other systems utilizing phosphate ester (PE) and POE fluids. Traditional Clay and Alumina based acid remediating media have low acid scavenging capacity and contribute dissolved metals and ultra-fine particles that lead to the formation of gels and deposits. The metals also cause poor air release properties which leads to thermal degradation from pressure-induced dieseling. With over 30 million successful operating hours  ICB is used to solve million dollar million-dollar problems in some of the largest fossil fuel power plants in North America, Europe, and Asia. Extend useful life and avoid premature fluid replacement and bleed & feed routines by properly maintaining PE fluids with our total solution including  ICB, TMR®, ECR®, and NSD (non-spark filter element upgrades).

EPT’s ion-exchange filters ICB take filtration to the next level by not only removing acids but by removing the contamination responsible for failure. ICB filters offer unmatched performance that will resolve lubricant deposit formation and when used as part of our phosphate ester fluid maintenance and testing program, will significantly reduce the risk of production losses.
ICB filter products are supported by a team of world-class experts, who are specialists in the maintenance of phosphate ester fluids. With thousands of global installations to date, many operating for over 20 years, ICB filters have achieved over 100 million hours of operating performance history on some of the largest power stations and super-critical applications worldwide.


Key Benefits of ICB<sup>®</sup> Ion Exchange Filters

  • Remove the dissolved breakdown products that are responsible for servo valve and/or bearing failures
  • Dramatically increase fluid resistivity values which eliminates a common servo valve failure mode referred to as electrokinetic wear or valve erosion
  • Unlike, conventional products, ICB filters do not contribute fine particulate or add dissolved metals that contribute to increased rates of fluid breakdown
  • ICB filters are available in standard-size cartridges or as part of a complete Lubricant Conditioning System, see SVR®
  • Complete stainless steel construction featuring robotic, spiral welding which provides maximum filter integrity

While originally developed for phosphate ester lubricants, EPT has expanded the capabilities of ICB® filters for a wide range of lubricants and additives types as follows:

ICB® RO for Rust & Oxidation Turbine Oil

ICB® FRF for Phosphate Ester Fluid

ICB® JET for Aeroderivative Turbine Oil

ICB® AW for Anti-wear Hydraulic Oil

  • Suitable for phosphate ester, fire-resistant lubricants, sold under the brand names: Fyrquel®, Fyrquel®EHC, Fyrquel® EHC Plus, Fyrquel® GT, Reolube®TurboFluid 46XC, Reolube® TurboFluid B, Anvol® 46 XC, Shell Turbo® Fluid DR 46, Mobil Pyrotec® HFD 46, and many others
  • Suitable for polyol ester fluids including QuintoLubric®
  • Suitable for polyol ester lubricants used in aero-derivative jet engines including Mobil Jet® II
  • Suitable for mineral oil-based hydraulic fluids
  • Suitable for mineral oil-based turbine and compressor lubricants

Fyrquel is a registered trademark of ICL, Reolube is a registered trademark of Chemtura, and Anvol is a registered trademark of Castrol. Shell Turbo is a trademark of Shell Oil Company. Mobil Pyrotec and Mobil Jet are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation. Quintolubric is a registered trademark of Quaker Chemicals.

ICB technology does not leave metal salts of calcium, aluminum, and/or magnesium in the oil, which can cause deposits. ICB technology has been used successfully to recondition phosphate ester-based fire-resistant hydraulic fluids. ICB technology is also suitable for PE alternative fluids such as BioSyn, POE, Skydrol, and EcoSafe.

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