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Varnish Prevention and Removal


FSTO Turbine Lube Oil Varnish Removal

Ideal for Maintenance of Small Turbine Lube Oil & Compressor Reservoirs

  • Prevent varnish related servo valve failures on small gas turbines and compressor lube oil applications (ie gas transmission compressor units).
  • Remove & prevent varnish deposits with ICB element technology (Ion Charge Bonding).
  • Achieve & maintain MPC value < 20 (lower varnish potential).
  • Lower ISO codes to 14/12/9 with high efficiency post filter element.
  • Extend life of anti-oxidant additives & prevent premature oil replacement.

Non Spark Discharge Filter Element Upgrades

Filter element spark discharge is a recognized cause of fluid degradation in hydraulic and lube oil systems creating soluble by-products and sub-micron carbon particles that deplete additives, cause fluid darkening and lead to varnish deposits.  Hy-Pro NSD (Non Spark Discharge) elements are the solution.

Filter element spark discharge is a recognized cause of fluid degradation in hydraulic and lube oil systems creating soluble by-products and sub-micron carbon particles that deplete additives, cause fluid darkening and lead to varnish deposits.  Oil formulation changes from Group I base stocks to Group II-III base stock oils has yielded fluids with reduced conductivity characteristics which enhance the effects of element sparking especially during cold start conditions.  Hy-Pro NSD Non Spark Discharge) elements prevent one of the primary causes of thermal fluid degradation and is an important part of varnish deposit formation and phosphate ester fluid maintenance.

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SVR™ Soluble Varnish Removal Skid

When combustion and steam turbines fall victim to unit trip or fail-to-start condition varnish is the usual suspect.  The SVR (Soluble Varnish Removal) is the proven solution to make varnish vanish!

When combustion and steam turbines fall victim to unit trip or fail-to-start condition varnish is the usual suspect.   SVR Soluble Varnish Removal skids prevent and remove varnish deposit formation in lube oil by removing oxidation by-products as they are formed and while they still in solution (dissolved).  By removing the soluble varnish feed stock SVR is addressing the primary cause of varnish before varnish deposits can form.  Stop varnish before it stops you!

SVR restores the solubility of the oil by removing the soluble varnish causing contamination that other technologies can’t.  By restoring solubility  SVR enables the oil to chemically remove previously formed varnish deposits and reduce MPC varnish potential numbers from condition critical red to condition normal green.  Ask us how the  SVR1200 can reduce and maintain a 6000 gallon GE Frame 7 lube reservoir MPC value to single digits in approximately 45 days.

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OA-TO Turbine Oil Analysis

Two levels of analysis; MPC only for trending varnish potential monthly & a deeper analysis for periodic monitoring.

  • MPC (membrane patch Colourimetry)
  • MPC patch weight (mg)
  • RULER (remaining anti-oxidant level)
  • ICP spectrometric element analysis ppm
  • Water Content by KF (ppm)
  • ISO4406:1999 particle count (4/6/14)
  • AN (acid number)

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VTK Varnish Potential Test Kits

VTK varnish potential test kits yield Membrane Patch Colorimetric for lube oil varnish potential (MPC ΔE) per ASTM D7843-12.

VTK varnish potential test kits yield Membrane Patch Colorimetric for lube oil varnish potential (MPC ΔE) per ASTM D7843-12.  Use the VTK to identify hydraulic and lube oil reservoirs with a high potential for varnish formation and trend the effectiveness of varnish mitigation efforts on each turbine.

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Power Plant – Steam Turbines


Lube Oil Varnish Removal & Prevention. Group II base stock oils are susceptible to varnish deposit formation which leads to unit trip, bearing failure and premature fluid replacement. Group I lube oils have given way to Group II base stock oils which have lower solubility characteristics. Lower solubility means that the newer Group II lube oils cannot hold the same levels of soluble (dissolved) or insoluble (suspended) oxidation and thermal degradation by-products in the oil thus leading to more problems with sediment, sludge and deposits (varnish). Hy-Pro has the solution to make varnish vanish . . . The SVR™ (Soluble Varnish Removal) goes where other technologies can’t, removing oxidation by-products while still in solution (dissolved) to remove varnish deposits that have formed over time and to prevent varnish from ever forming. Combine SVR™ with Hy-Pro COor VUtechnology for a complete ST lube oil conditioning system. Stop varnish before it stops you with SVR™ !

Learn more: SVR™

Varnish & Solubility.  The solubility of oil is directly related to oil temperature.  Warmer oil can hold more oxidation by-products in solution but as the oil cools oxidation by-products (feed stock for varnish deposit formation) comes out of solution and can form deposits in servo valves and other critical components.  The first video below shows two oil samples from the same gas turbine with 3 year old oil which had MPC value of 35 (common for gas turbines).  The sample on the left was treated with SVR™ (Soluble Varnish Removal) technology to remove soluble oxidation by-products, and the sample on the right was left untreated as found in the turbine.

click here to view video

At the beginning of the video both samples show oil with acceptable solubility indicated by clear oil appearance and no visible insoluble contamination above a temperature of 40C / 104F.  As the oil is allowed to cool (simulating turbine off-peak or shutdown) the solubility of the oil decreases and the soluble oxidation by-products previously held in solution in the untreated sample on the right are rejected by the oil and become insoluble as the building blocks for varnish deposit formation (cloudy appearance of the oil).  The SVR™ treated sample on the left has no soluble oxidation by-products in solution and thus it can safely cool without releasing varnish causing contaminant which will result in successful turbine start without varnish related unit trip or fail-to-start condition.

Main Bearing Lube Elements & Non-Sparking Element Upgrades. Filter element sparking is now a recognized source of thermal fluid degradation along with pressure induced dieseling in ST lube and hydraulic control circuits. Improvements in filter media efficiency coupled with higher flow rates and more resistive Group II oils has brought filter element spark discharge to the forefront in many power plants. A common reaction to sparking has been a migration to coarser filter media selections (i.e. 25~40 micron nominal) to try to minimize the occurrence of sparking. Although sparking might be reduced with such choices fluid cleanliness and bearing surfaces suffer as ISO codes trend higher over time. Hy-Pro has developed a full range of NSD (Non-spark discharge) filter elements for any lube or hydraulic application that maintain low ISO codes and stop thermal fluid degradation associated to element spark discharge. Ask us about Hy-Pro NSD filter element upgrades.

Learn more: NSDDFE

EHC Phosphate Ester Fluid Maintenance Solutions. Steam turbine EHC systems typically utilize fire resistant phosphate ester fluids which can present certain contamination challenges resulting in servo valve failure or premature fluid replacement. However, when properly maintained phosphate ester fluids not only provide the safety of fire resistance and years of reliable EHC system operation free of contamination related servo valve failures and indefinite fluid life. Hy-Pro has the full solution for phosphate ester to properly manage and eliminate problems with acid production, water contamination, dissolved metals, sub-micron products of thermal degradation, dark fluid, sludge and deposits and particulate contamination.

Learn more: Phosphate Ester Fluid SolutionsICB, TMRECRNSDDynafuzz

Hydraulic Control Element Upgrades. Hy-Pro DFrated elements yield cleaner fluid in EHC systems in pump discharge and servo pilot filters. Prevent servo valve failures caused by contamination related failure. Hy-Pro Dynafuzz element upgrades feature stainless steel fiber media that is impervious to the effects that acid formed in phosphate ester can have on some glass medias. DFrated non-sparking Dynafuzz elements provide superior fluid cleanliness and solve the media migration issue in phosphate ester EHC fluid.

Learn more: DFEDynafuzzNSD

Lube Oil Water Removal by Vacuum Dehydration & Coalesce. Hy-Pro offers two primary types of technologies to address the common problem of water getting into steam turbine lube oil reservoirs. Hy-Pro Vac-U-Dry vacuum dehydrators rapidly remove free and dissolved water to < 10ppm combining heat, vacuum and intuitive design for ease of operation. Hy-Pro COturbine oil coalesce skids remove water from oil with mechanical coalesce and separator filter elements yielding > 95% single pass free water removal efficiency with a performance guarantee to < 150 ppm under normal operating conditions. Both the VUand COskids include high efficiency on-board particulate removal filters to achieve ISO fluid cleanliness codes < 16/14/11.

Learn more: VUDCOT

Coal Mill Gearbox Filtration.  Break the drain and refill gearbox oil change cycle and improve reliability, extend useful oil life and avoid premature contamination gearbox rebuilds by installing Hy-Pro FSdedicated off-line filter skids specifically designed for high viscosity lube oils.  High flow Lhousings are also a good fit for adding high efficiency filtration to existing re-circulation lines on coal mils to control particles and water contamination.

Learn more: FSLFCLWater Removal ElementsCoal Pulverizer Gearbox Filtration Upgrade Case Study

Cooling Tower Gearbox service often comes with confined space requirements. Changing the oil by traditional gearbox drain and refills can and should be avoided by using portable or permanent dedicated filtration systems that feature particulate and water removal filtration. Avoid premature gearbox rebuilds and replacements, keep cooling towers turning, and avoid premature fluid replacement with Hy-Pro’s range of off-line fluid conditioning solutions for gearboxes.

Learn more: FPLFSLFCLWater Removal Elements

FD and ID Fans. DFrated filter element upgrades ensure reliable fan operation and low ISO codes. Dedicated off-line filter panels and skids are also suitable where fans are not fitted with sufficient contamination control. The Vportable mini-vacuum dehydrator is ideal for solving periodic or continuous water issues on FD and ID fan reservoirs.

Learn more: DFEFPLV1

Boiler Feed Pumps and Seal Oil. Many BFP or Seal Oil systems utilize antiquated filtration (i.e. Auto-Kleen) with coarse wire mesh filtration leaving ISO codes excessively high for optimum reliability. Upgrade elements to Hy-Pro DFrated elements, and housings to Hy-Pro DFseries duplex filter assemblies or MFsimplex housings featuring DFrated high efficiency glass media elements for years of reliable performance.

Learn more: DFEDFNMF3

Bulk Fluid Handling. Dedicated filtration and breathers on bulk storage tanks for lube and hydraulic oils and stand-by diesel fuels is the first line of defense in preventing one of the worst sources of particulate and water contamination, new fluids. Bulk storage tanks collect contaminants from delivery vehicles and through ineffective breather arrangements. Eliminate this dangerous source of contamination and before transferring new fluids into critical power plant operating systems. Filter carts are also a valuable tool for keeping fluids clean when transferred from storage to critical live systems.

Learn more: FSLFCLBreathersVUDCOTCOD

Compressors. Large compressors typically utilize the same turbine oils used in the turbine lube reservoirs and are susceptible to many forms of contamination including varnish, particulate contamination and water contamination. Hy-Pro has a suite of solutions available to improve compressor reliability including DFrated element upgrades, water removal elementsvarnish mitigation and acid removal.

Learn More: DFESVR™ICBWater Removal Elements

Contamination Solutions for Power Generation

Power Plant – Gas Turbines


Lube Oil Varnish Removal & Prevention. Combustion turbines (CTs) utilize lubricating and hydraulic control fluids for a wide range of applications. CTs with combined lube and hydraulic control reservoirs (GE Frame 6/7) are susceptible to varnish deposit formation which leads to unit trip and fail-to-start conditions (servo valve stiction) especially in the growing population of peaking gas turbines. Group I lube oils have given way to Group II base stock oils which have lower solubility characteristics. Lower solubility means that the newer Group II lube oils cannot hold the same levels of soluble (dissolved) or insoluble (suspended) oxidation and thermal degradation by-products in the oil thus leading to more problems with sediment, sludge and deposits (varnish). Hy-Pro has the solution to make varnish vanish . . . The SVR™ (Soluble Varnish Removal) removes oxidation by-products while still in solution (dissolved) to remove varnish deposits that have formed over time and to prevent varnish from ever forming. Stop varnish before it stops you with SVR™!

Learn more: SVR™

Varnish & Solubility.  The solubility of oil is directly related to oil temperature.  Warmer oil can hold more oxidation by-products in solution but as the oil cools oxidation by-products (feed stock for varnish deposit formation) comes out of solution and can form deposits in servo valves and other critical components.  The first video below shows two oil samples from the same gas turbine with 3 year old oil which had MPC value of 35 (common for gas turbines).  The sample on the left was treated with SVR™ (Soluble Varnish Removal) technology to remove soluble oxidation by-products, and the sample on the right was left untreated as found in the turbine.

At the beginning of the video both samples show oil with acceptable solubility indicated by clear oil appearance and no visible insoluble contamination above a temperature of 40C / 104F.  As the oil is allowed to cool (simulating turbine off-peak or shutdown) the solubility of the oil decreases and the soluble oxidation by-products previously held in solution in the untreated sample on the right are rejected by the oil and become insoluble as the building blocks for varnish deposit formation (cloudy appearance of the oil).  The SVR™ treated sample on the left has no soluble oxidation by-products in solution and thus it can safely cool without releasing varnish causing contaminant which will result in successful turbine start without varnish related unit trip or fail-to-start condition.

Main Bearing Lube Elements & Non-Sparking Element Upgrades Filter element sparking is now a recognized source of thermal fluid degradation along with pressure induced dieseling in CT lube and hydraulic control circuits. Improvements in filter media efficiency coupled with higher flow rates and more resistive Group II oils has brought filter element spark discharge to the forefront in many power plants. A common reaction to sparking has been a migration to coarser filter media selections (i.e. 25~40 micron nominal) to try to minimize the occurrence of sparking. Although sparking might be reduced with such choices fluid cleanliness and bearing surfaces suffer as ISO Codes trend higher over time. Hy-Pro has developed a full range of NSD™ (Non-spark discharge) filter elements for any lube or hydraulic application that maintain low ISO Codes and stop thermal fluid degradation associated to element spark discharge. Ask us about Hy-Pro NSD™ filter element upgrades.

Learn more: NSD™

Cooling Tower Gearbox service often comes with confined space requirements. Changing the oil by traditional gearbox drain and refills can and should be avoided by using portable or permanent dedicated filtration systems that feature particulate and water removal filtration. Avoid premature gearbox rebuilds and replacements, keep cooling towers turning, and avoid premature fluid replacement with Hy-Pro’s range of off-line fluid conditioning solutions for gearboxes.

Learn more: FPLFSLFCLWater Removal Elements

FD and ID Fans DFE rated filter element upgrades ensure reliable fan operation and low ISO Codes. Dedicated off-line filter panels and skids are also suitable where fans are not fitted with sufficient contamination control. The V1 portable mini-vacuum dehydrator is ideal for solving periodic or continuous water issues on FD and ID fan reservoirs.

Learn more: DFEFPLV1

Boiler Feed Pumps and Seal Oil Many BFP or Seal Oil systems utilize antiquated filtration (i.e. Auto-Kleen) with coarse wire mesh filtration leaving ISO Codes excessively high for optimum reliability. Upgrade elements to Hy-Pro DFE rated elements, and housings to Hy-Pro DFN series duplex filter assemblies or MF3 simplex housings featuring DFE rated high efficiency glass media elements for years of reliable performance.

Learn more: DFEDFNMF3

Bulk Fluid Handling Dedicated filtration and breathers on bulk storage tanks for lube and hydraulic oils and stand-by diesel fuels is the first line of defense in preventing one of the worst sources of particulate and water contamination, new fluids. Bulk storage tanks collect contaminants from delivery vehicles and through ineffective breather arrangements. Eliminate this dangerous source of contamination and before transferring new fluids into critical power plant operating systems. Filter Carts are also a valuable tool for keeping fluids clean when transferred from storage to critical live systems.

Learn more: FSLFCLBreathersVUDCOTCOD

Compressors Large compressors typically utilize the same turbine oils used in the turbine lube reservoirs and are susceptible to many forms of contamination including varnish, particulate contamination and water contamination. Hy-Pro has a suite of solutions available to improve compressor reliability including DFE rated element upgrades, Water Removal Elements, varnish mitigation and acid removal.

Learn More: DFESVR™ICB™Water Removal Elements

Combustion Turbine Air Intake Misting (fogger) Systems for Cooling Intake Air Combustion turbines (ie GE Frame 7) are equipped with misting / fogging water spray systems for cooling of intake air.  High pressure in-line filters are used to protect injector spray nozzles from pump seal debris, pump abrasive wear debris and contaminated water supply.  CT air intake misting systems are typically found on turbines installed in hot temperature climates.  Upgrade your in-line filter to Hy-Pro’s PFQ290960S to maximize the life of your injector spray nozzle.

Contamination Solutions for Power Generation

Fluid Analysis and Monitoring


OA-TO Turbine Oil Analysis

Two levels of analysis; MPC only for trending varnish potential monthly & a deeper analysis for periodic monitoring.

PFM75 Portable Fluid Monitor

Designed as a mobile on-line laboratory to measure particulate, water, and overall oil health, the PFM75  is an easy and cost effective way to track oil condition and optimize the efficiency of your hydraulic and lube assets. Take control of your oil analysis with the PFM75  to eliminate bottle sampling error and to get your results in real time without having to wait for the lab.


PM-1 Particle Monitor

Install on hydraulic & lube oil systems to monitor ISO Fluid Cleanliness Code.


PTK1 Portable Oil Patch Test Kit

PTK1 patch test kit provides a view of what is happening inside your hydraulic or lube system.  PTK1 with on-line particle counting gives you results now and enables you to take control of your oil analysis.



VTK Varnish Potential Test Kits

VTK varnish potential test kits yield Membrane Patch Colorimetric for lube oil varnish potential (MPC ΔE) per ASTM D7843-12.

Reservoir Accessories


BF Breathers

Control airborne contamination and extend the life of other filters in your system.  BF Breathers go beyond ineffective filter / breather caps to protect your system with high capacity, high efficiency pleated glass media elements.  Combine with Hy-Pro Filter Assemblies and Fluid Conditioning Equipment for the ultimate in Total Systems Cleanliness.

Hy-Dry Desiccant Breather

Hy-Dry desiccant breathers control moisture by adsorption and particulate mechanically down to 1 micron from entering reservoirs during air exchange.  Rugged designs are available high vibration mobile applications.  A wide range of breather sizes and reservoir adaptors are available to enhance any reservoir.  Fluid contamination is the root cause of most hydraulic system failures. Controlling airborne contamination is critical. The synergy of Hy-Pro fluid filter elements and Hy-Dry desiccant breathers yields fluid clarification and a healthy hydraulic system.  Desiccant beads change color signaling that is time to replace the breather.


Hydraulic & Lube Oil Contamination Reference Chart (39″ X 27″)

Water and particulate contamination reference chart for hydraulic and lube oil (39″ X 27″).  Contact Proactive Strategic Reliability Sdn Bhd ( to request your free copy today!


In-Tank Suction Strainer Mesh Elements

In-tank suction strainer mesh elements are available with nylon and corrosion resistant steel threaded end cap connections up to 3″ NPT and G threads.



Spin-On Breathers

Hy-Pro high efficiency high capacity spin-on breathers prevent contaminant ingression in to reservoirs, ideal for mobile applications.  Replace ineffective filler-breather caps.


TMR™ Reservoir Headspace Dehydrator

TMR™ introduces air with 150°F dew point suppression into reservoir headspace to maintain water levels < 300 ppm in EHC reservoir phosphate ester (to 1,000 gal / 3,750 liter reservoirs).


TMR™ N2 Active Headspace Dehydrator + Nitrogen Generator

TMR™ N2 is an active breather system that maintains the air in the headspace that continuously introduces clean dry Nitrogen. As the dry N2 transfers through the headspace at RH < 1% the oil gives up its water striving to achieve equilibrium with the dry Nitrogen in the headspace.

Nitrogen is an inert gas so it will also remove combustible gases (ie CO2, C2H2, CO, C2H4, C2H6, CH4, H2) from the oil to reduce oxidation and fluid breakdown.

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